The piCObaby™ Smokerlyzer® from Bedfont® Scientific Ltd. offers a quick and non-invasive method of measuring the CO levels of both the mums-to-be and their babies to help them quit smoking.

Figures released from the Women’s Smoking Status at Time of Delivery: England, published by the Health & Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), showed that although the number of women smoking whilst pregnant fell between 2014/15 and 2015/16, the 2015/16 figures still show that 10.6% of mothers were recorded as still smoking at the time of delivery. Bedfont®, who manufacture the renowned Smokerlyzer® used for smoking cessation, manufacture a version called the piCObaby™ Smokerlyzer® which is specifically designed to help pregnant smokers quit, and also shows the foetal CO calculation.

With the new year being the perfect time to quit smoking, concerns about smoking whilst pregnant have been highlighted significantly. Even Chief Executive of Public Health England, Duncan Selbie, recently recommended that all pregnant mums be CO screened when they book a hospital appointment and amidst fears that mothers don’t truly recognise the harm smoking whilst pregnant has to their unborn child 1.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is inhaled from smoking and replaces the oxygen in your blood, effectively starving your organs of oxygen which can lead to several health complications 2. Smoking whilst pregnant can pass on these detrimental effects to your unborn child and cause serious pregnancy-related health problems, such as complications during labour, an increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, still birth, low birth-weight and sudden unexpected death in infancy 3.

Jason Smith, managing director at Bedfont®, explains, “The Smokerlyzer® is effective because when people blow into the monitor, the traffic light system provides a visual motivational aid as to the amount of CO in a smoker’s body and therefore provides a warning about the harm they are doing to themselves by continuing to smoke. The piCObaby™ not only does this, but also shows the foetal calculation and therefore the potential harm that a pregnant smoker could be having on her unborn child too.”

“CO breath testing with the Smokerlyzer® has been used by stop smoking clinics worldwide for over 30 years now. What makes it so popular with patients and stop smoking clinics is that it is much quicker than more conventional methods of CO testing, such as a blood test, but also it is more patient-friendly because it is completely non-invasive. We hope that if more mums-to-be know about this easier way of CO screening or if they need a little extra help to quit smoking whilst pregnant, they will opt to have a CO breath test with the piCObaby™ to help them quit, for their health and their unborn baby’s.”


1. Hospitals should ‘test all pregnant women to find out if they smoke’ in a bid to help them quit [Internet]. The Mirror. 2017 [cited 12 January 2017]. Available from:

2. Carbon Monoxide in Cigarettes – Carbon Monoxide Kills [Internet]. Carbon Monoxide Kills. 2017 [cited 12 January 2017]. Available from:

3. Quitting smoking in pregnancy and following childbirth: Guidance. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. 2010

[cited 12 January 2017]

. Available from:

Local exporter, Bedfont® Scientific, donates £500 to BBC Children in Need to support disadvantaged children throughout the UK

Bedfont® Scientific is proud to announce that it is donating £500 to BBC Children in Need after filming its very own #MannequinChallenge to support the appeal. The money raised will go on to help transform the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

The #MannequinChallenge is a concept which has gone viral on social media. The idea is that people are filmed while they hold a pose, like mannequins. Bedfont’s version saw all of its employees frozen in place as the camera pans around its 2 offices. Bedfont’s aim was to have the video of their #MannequinChallenge liked and shared on social media in order to raise the money to be donated.

Bedfont® Scientific, based in Harrietsham, Kent, specialises in the manufacture of breath analysis devices for medical application. Their most famous product is the Smokerlyzer® which can be found in stop smoking clinics across the UK, helping people quit smoking. As a company, they partake in several fundraising events throughout the year, but it is their first time fundraising for BBC Children in Need.

Natasha Smith, marketing manager, comments,

“It was a very successful video and we had a lot of fun making it. By midnight, just fewer than 300 people reacted and we had over 11,000 people viewing the video, which keeps increasing. We are so thankful to everyone who took part and it is a great feeling to be able to donate £500 to help the disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.”

Local medical device manufacturer, Bedfont® Scientific, accepts the Mannequin Challenge to help raise money for Children in Need.

The Mannequin Challenge is a concept which has gone viral on social media. The idea is that people are filmed while they hold a pose, like mannequins. Local medical device manufacturer, Bedfont® Scientific, have decided to join the hype but with one twist; if their video gets 10,000 shares on Facebook, they will donate £1,000 to Children in Need which is taking place tonight.

Children in Need, established in 1980, is the BBC’s UK charity which has raised over £600 million for disabled children and young people in the UK.

Jason Smith, Managing Director, says,

“Whilst all good fun to plan and film the mannequin challenge, we do hope that by making this video we can help spread the word about the BBC’s good work through the Children in Need charity. Sometimes it’s good to pause and take stock of how lucky we are and that there are children out there who need our help; with social media playing such a huge part in life these days, we hope that our video will help people realise this. Please do like and share our video which can be found on our Facebook page, @Bedfontltd. We have pledged to give £1,000 to Children in Need if we can reach over 10,000 likes before midnight!”

To watch the video, please click here:

Bedfont® Scientific is proud to have passed its first unannounced BSI audit.

Bedfont® Scientific, based in Harrietsham, Kent, is a medical device manufacturer that specialises in breath analysis devices which are used to help detect certain health conditions. As a medical company, there are many compliances to adhere to, but they are pleased to announce they have passed their very first unexpected audit.

The BSI, otherwise known as the British Standards Institution, is the national standards body for the UK and implements technical standards on a wide range of products and services. The BSI introduced unannounced audits in April 2014, aiming to assure day-to-day compliance of the manufacturer’s product and quality management systems.

Louise Bateman, QA & RA Manager, stated, “It was a surprise but not something that worried us. Overall I’m very happy with how the audit went and you can see at times like this how the company is developing in all aspects and how hard the teams work to enable us to sell medical products into the market”.

Trevor Smith, Chairman, adds, “This is truly good news as we can use it as one of the barometers as to the “health” of the Company. When the auditors turned up unexpected yesterday I happened to be in reception. In the past an event like this would fill me with nerves; however, I immediately felt at ease considering all the hard work that has gone into our QA. This is nothing short of excellent! Hard work and doing your very best always pays off eventually.”

Local company, Bedfont® Scientific, urges people to quit smoking with the Smokerlyzer® after latest figures from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) find smoking still causes the majority of lung cancer deaths in the UK.

Lung Cancer Awareness month approaches again in November 2016, in the hope to make people aware of the facts and figures that can save people’s lives. Bedfont® Scientific, based in Harrietsham, Kent, manufacturer of the Smokerlyzer®, a breath carbon monoxide (CO) monitor used to help people quit smoking, is encouraging people to quit the habit which contributes to 86% of lung cancer deaths in men and 72% in women, according to latest ASH statistics.

A staggering 81% of patients diagnosed with advanced lung cancer die within a year and smoking is the single biggest preventable risk factor of lung cancer.

A leading manufacturer of exhaled breath and gas monitoring instruments, who in 2016 are celebrating two important anniversaries – 40 years in business and 30 years of one of their most successful exports – the Smokerlyzer®, Bedfont® Scientific are revered as pioneers in the medical gas analysis market.

Jason Smith, Managing Director at Bedfont® Scientific, comments,

“The Smokerlyzer® uses breath analysis to detect the harmful amount of carbon monoxide (CO) in your lungs, and therefore your blood, that is inhaled from smoking. Smoking builds high levels of CO in the blood, which can lead to heart disease, circulation problems and high blood pressure. For smoking cessation clinics, it is a way to establish a smoker’s status whilst acting as a motivational visual aid to encourage them to quit and to measure their progress whilst doing so, helping to prevent cancer and other smoking related diseases.”

At Bedfont’s 40th year in business celebrations, Jason Smith was announced as Managing Director, succeeding his father, Trevor, who becomes Chairman.

Bedfont Scientific Ltd, based in Harrietsham, gathered together its customers, distributors and partners in celebration of 40 years trading, where Trevor Smith announced that Bedfont was becoming a 2nd generation family company by appointing his son, Jason Smith, as the new Managing Director, with Trevor moving on to the position of Chairman.

Trevor Smith joined Bedfont as the Marketing Director in 1985. It is from there that Trevor grew and became managing director of Bedfont Scientific, shaping it to be the pioneer in medical breath analysis that it is today.

Trevor Smith, Chairman of Bedfont, says, “It is with great pride and pleasure that I hand the reins over to my son Jason. I couldn’t be more proud of the man that Jason has become and I have absolutely no doubt that he has the brightest future for Bedfont at the heart of his strategies.”

Jason Smith, new Managing Director of Bedfont, adds, “I’d like to thank Trevor for trusting me with the company he built, he’s been the best business mentor and friend I could have hoped for. My aim for Bedfont is that our family values are shown through our dedication to our customers and our core business of breath analysis; we all share the same goal of providing the best service and products to improve healthcare. This goes not only for our employees, but also our distributors and suppliers; it’s about the Bedfont family, not just the Smith family, and I’m proud to work with them all.”

Bedfont® Scientific, based in Maidstone, Kent, encourages people to quit smoking this Stoptober for the chance to win £100 worth of amazon vouchers.

October has become the ideal time for people to quit since Public Health England introduced the 28-day stop smoking challenge known as Stoptober. Last year a record 215,000 people signed up to Stoptober, however, despite the huge interest, recent statistics from ASH show that there are still around 9.6 million adult smokers in Great Britain alone. Bedfont Scientific, manufacturer of the Smokerlyzer® which is used to help people quit smoking, is encouraging people to quit this Stoptober and have their photo taken with the Smokerlyzer®, showing their “green light” photo and use the hashtag #Stoptober for a chance to win £100 in amazon vouchers.

The Smokerlyzer® range is a series of breath carbon monoxide (CO) monitors that measure the harmful amount of CO that is inhaled from smoking, which can show how much a patient has been smoking, giving smoking cessation advisors an idea on the level of dependency that the smoker has. The Smokerlyzer® is quick, non-invasive and also acts as a motivational visual aid with its traffic light system, to encourage the user to quit smoking and to measure their progress whilst doing so.

Bedfont Scientific are celebrating 40 years in business this year and are revered as pioneers in the breath analysis market. Founder, Trevor Smith, created the Smokerlyzer® in 1985, which is also celebrating its 30th birthday in 2016. With over 520,000 units sold since existence, the Smokerlyzer® is one of Bedfont’s most successful exports and can now be found in over 70 countries across the world.

Jason Smith, General Manager at Bedfont Scientific, says, “Every year, around 96,000 people in the UK die from diseases caused by smoking, but the Smokerlyzer® can help people quit and save their lives. Last Stoptober we were amazed at the number of people who quit smoking and proud that our Smokerlyzer® was used to help them. We want to hear the stories of how the Smokerlyzer® is changing people’s lives and encourage more people to quit smoking this year, and so we are holding a competition. For those who wish to quit smoking and enter the competition, simply visit your local stop smoking service for help and send us your “green-light” photos; we will be putting them into a prize draw to win £100 in amazon vouchers.”

For more information on Bedfont’s #Stoptober competition, please visit

Bedfont® Scientific, Kent, launches their new GastroCH4ECK™ Gastrolyzer®  at the United European Gastroenterology Week 2016

Bedfont® Scientific has specialised in the design and manufacture of exhaled breath and gas monitoring instruments since 1976. With an unprecedented network of distributors, Bedfont’s products can be found in over 70 countries worldwide.

At the United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW) 2016, Bedfont can be found at booth X1/5, introducing the new and improved GastroCH4ECK™ Gastrolyzer®, a breath hydrogen and methane analyser used to help detect gastrointestinal disorders.

The GastroCH4ECK™ Gastrolyzer® helps to detect gastrointestinal disorders such as IBS, SIBO and sugar intolerances such as lactose intolerance. This is done by measuring the amount of hydrogen and methane in a patient’s breath, which is produced by the breakdown of food in the gut.

Dr Anthony Hobson, the Clinical Director of the Functional Gut Clinic, explains,

“As an existing customer of the Gastrolyzer® range, I am delighted to have had the chance to test the unit before anyone else, and can truly say that the new sensor technology and friendly user interface make this the best hydrogen and methane breath test available, thanks to improved accuracy and ease of use. The GastroCH4ECK™ is the only hydrogen and methane breath testing monitor that offers direct breath samples meaning I can see my patients quicker and more efficiently, allowing me to provide a Gold Standard breath testing service.”

Jason Smith, General Manager at Bedfont Scientific, comments,

“The GastroCH4ECK™ Gastrolyzer® is simple to use for both patient and Doctor. It is completely non-invasive, making it the preferred method for patients who do not wish to provide a blood sample but also gives an instant reading, compared to having to wait up to two weeks for the blood sample to be tested, meaning the patient suffers less. We are proud to be unveiling our new GastroCH4ECK™ Gastrolyzer® at UEGW 2016 and hope that all who specialise in gastroenterology will come and see our new and improved monitor.”

Bedfont Scientific, medical device manufacturer in Maidstone, Kent, is proud to be supplying Laborie, as it lands another major OEM deal, opening up more overseas markets.

LABORIE, an international leader in medical devices but notably gastroenterology, has signed an OEM agreement with Bedfont Scientific for their Gastrolyzer range of hydrogen and methane breath monitors.

The Gastrolyzer range offers a quicker, more efficient, and non-invasive method to investigating and detecting gastrointestinal disorders compared to more traditional methods which can take up to two weeks to diagnose and require a blood sample.

Albert Meek, LABORIE General Manager, GI Solutions, comments,

“Breath analysis is such an innovative leap in medical technology, saving specialists and patients’ time and hassle. The Gastrolyzer range of high-quality hydrogen and methane breath monitors will enable us to further deliver Gastroenterological solutions that advance diagnostic confidence and transform the treatment of care.”

Bedfont, who in 2016 are celebrating two important anniversaries – 40 years in business and 30 years of one of their most successful exports – the Smokerlyzer, are revered as pioneers in breath analysis thanks to their unprecedented network of appointed distributors.  This major OEM deal comes shortly after Bedfont recently agreed another OEM deal with Global Medicare for the Gastrolyzer range exclusively in India.

Jason Smith, General Manager at Bedfont Scientific, says,

“These OEMs are part of our expansion plan for our core breath business. The aim is to make breath analysis global and easily accessible, allowing more people to be diagnosed by a faster, more efficient and non-invasive method. Thanks to LABORIE, breath analysis will now be available in medical markets worldwide that Bedfont did not have access to before.”

Bedfont® Scientific, based in Harrietsham, Kent, launches their new ToxCO® breath carbon monoxide monitor which instantly diagnoses CO poisoning

Bedfont® Scientific has specialised in the design and manufacture of exhaled breath and gas monitoring instruments since 1976. With an unprecedented network of distributors, Bedfont’s products can be found in over 70 countries worldwide.

At the Emergency Services Show (ESS) 2016, Bedfont can be found at stand P94, introducing the new and improved ToxCO® carbon monoxide (CO) breath monitor. Here you will be able to see, test and provide your feedback for the chance to win a ToxCO® of your own; there will be three chances to win a ToxCO® and goody bags for all participants.

Bedfont Scientific’s ToxCO® monitor instantly diagnoses CO poisoning by analysing a breath sample from the patient to determine the level of CO in their blood. The ToxCO® monitor is a non-invasive tool, which provides instant results, unlike more traditional methods of testing for CO poisoning, like blood testing. This, in turn, saves valuable time when diagnosing a patient and reduces unnecessary hospital admissions.

The ToxCO® also comes with a face mask option for unconscious patients or young children, and an ambient air mode designed for emergency services, fire services and first responders to safeguard them by warning when there are high levels of CO in the atmosphere.

Available for pre-order now, the ToxCO® is quick, easy to use and non-invasive, making it the ideal tool for all emergency services; allowing you to continue saving lives, one breath at a time.