Embracing Plastic Free July: The Bedfont® Scientific Limited Commitment to a Sustainable Future.

Plastic Free July, a pivotal initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation, was launched in 2011 by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz. This global movement is dedicated to realising a world free of plastic waste. The staggering figure of 20 million metric tons of plastic litter that infiltrates our environment annually1 underscores the urgent need for collective action against this pervasive global issue.

Bedfont®, world leaders in breath analysis, is fully committed to reducing its impact on the environment. By working with employees, customers and suppliers, materials are sustainably sourced and, where possible, recyclable or biodegradable materials are used.

Plastic packaging can take hundreds to thousands of years to decompose, accumulating plastic waste in landfills and natural habitats and creating long-term environmental pollution.

Bedfont® are always taking steps to reduce plastic waste; a couple of examples are:

The iCOquit®: a personal carbon monoxide (CO) device which is used to help people quit smoking. Initially, the iCO™ released in 2015 came in plastic packaging. When the next generation, iCOquit®, was introduced in 2020, Bedfont® changed the packaging to an eco-friendly material that can be recycled.

Another significant stride in this direction is the transformation of the Steribreath™ mouthpiece. Initially made of polypropylene, this component was revamped in 2020 to the more sustainable Steribreath™ Eco version, made from and packaged in sustainably sourced and recyclable materials.

These steps are part of the broader Bedfont® Eco Resolution. By making these changes, Bedfont® is not only reducing plastic waste but also reinforcing its commitment to sustainability.

As we celebrate Plastic Free July, Bedfont® is dedicated to continuing efforts to reduce plastic usage, lower its carbon footprint, and innovate in ways that benefit both its distributors and the environment.

To keep up to date with the Bedfont® Eco Resolution make sure you follow our social channels.

1. ICUN, Issues Brief, Plastic Pollution. [cited on 19/6/24] Available from https://www.iucn.org/resources/issues-brief/plastic-pollution